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Colgate University Women's Rowing at Patriot League Championships
Friday, May 16, 2025 All day
Camden, N.J.
Colgate University Women's Rowing at Patriot League Championships
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May 16
12:00 PM
Friday Fibers at Chapel House
Today's Events | Chapel House, Music Room
For Colgate faculty, staff, students, and community members who knit, crochet, or stitch, or just enjoy meandering conversation—please join us in the Chapel House Music Room at noon on Fridays. Bring your lunch, beverages are provided!
May 16
2:00 PM
Student Open Office Hour - Dean of Students
Today's Events | McGregory Hall, 121
The dean of students encourages and supports students’ success by providing opportunities for co-curricular learning and extracurricular experiences to enhance students’ holistic development. Through collaboration with the ALANA Cultural Center, the Office of LGBTQ+ Initiatives, the Office of Student Involvement (OSI), the Office of the Chaplains, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Advising, and the Center for Outreach, Volunteerism, Outreach, and Education (COVE), the dean of students assists in curating the student experience at Colgate.Dean of Students Dorsey Spencer Jr. welcomes the chance to discuss life outside the classroom and embraces opportunities to engage with students regarding their questions, interests, or aspirations. Dean Spencer offers weekly open office hours available to students by appointment.Contact Melissa Helmke-Davie ( to schedule a time.
May 17
All day
Today's Events | Colgate Memorial Chapel
Baccalaureate service for the senior class
May 17
12:00 PM
Multicultural Celebration
Today's Events | James C. Colgate Hall, Hall of Presidents
The ALANA Cultural Center is excited to host and invite all graduating multicultural seniors to attend this special celebration.
May 18
All day
Today's Events | Campus
Commencement ceremony for graduates and their families
May 18
All day
Residence Halls Close to All Seniors and Guests, 5 p.m.
Today's Events
Residence halls close to all seniors and guests at 5 p.m., except for students with prior approval from Residential Life.