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On the Brink: Saving the Florida Panther from Extinction

Thursday, March 13, 2025 3:00–4:30 PM


This presentation describes firsthand experiences working on the Florida Panther Recovery Project with the National Park Service, highlighting the urgent and dramatic efforts to save the Florida Panther from extinction- including tracking, radio-collaring, and the risky introduction of Texas cougars to South Florida- all to strengthen the fragile panther population.Presenter: John Pumilio, LEED Green Associate, Certified Energy Manager, Certified Health Coach and Director of Sustainability at Colgate University. Before coming to Colgate, John worked on the Florida Panther Recovery Project, led educational tours and safaris worldwide including in the Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu, and East Africa. He also directed ornithology programs for the National Audobon Society and developed programs introducing countless individuals to sustainable living while helping preserve our natural world.

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