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Migratory Journeys to the United States as Seen Through Contemporary Mexican Theater

Thursday, April 10, 2025 4:30–5:30 PM


The era of refugees and migrants, encompassing most of the 20th and 21st centuries, is characterized by displaced and transient human masses. They come crowded in boats, trains, trucks, cars, on foot, or even swimming through bodies of water. Some travel alone, while others travel with their families, or in groups. This is an experience few would have chosen, but due to forces beyond their control—poverty, repression, war—they have become migrants, refugees, or exiles. Through the lens of contemporary Mexican theater, the journeys these migrants engage as they search for a better life are presented in plays written by Mexican dramatists such as Hugo Salcedo, Victor Hugo Rascón Banda, Angel Norzagaray, or Manuel Talavera Trejo. Their plays depict thousands of anonymous actors in heroic, treacherous, and tragic Journeys across some of the most unwelcoming topography between Mexico and the United States.Presentation open to all.Speaker: Iani del Rosario Moreno (Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Suffolk University) Co-sponsored by: Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Division of Arts and Humanities, Department of Theater, the W. M. Keck Center for Language Study, and Africana and Latin American Studies

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